वन अधिकार कानून 2006: जनता की मांगों के साथ 22 जुलाई को जिला-स्तरीय कार्यक्रम का आव्हान!

वन अधिकार कानून देश में लागू हुए एक दशक से ज्यादा हो गया पर आज भी इस कानून को सरकारें ढंग से लागू नहीं कर रहीं हैं. एक तरफ हिमाचल जैसे राज्य हैं जहां इसका क्रियान्वयन बहुत धीमी गति से चल रहा है तो कई ऐसे राज्य हैं जहां लाखों दावे भरे गए हैं परन्तु […]

The Hidden Cost of Hydropower : Environmental hazards and risks of tunneling, excavation and construction in Run of the River Hydropower Projects in Himachal Pradesh

A Summary Note Even as we are at the end of the fifth decade of celebrating the World Environment Day, globally the environmental crisis continues to worsen. One of the solutions to mitigate the climate crisis and green house gas emissions adopted by countries including India has been shifting to renewable energy sources like Hydropower. […]

प्रेस नोट 5 जून 2019: ‘संकट में पहाड़’: विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस पर मीडिया गोष्ठी का आयोजन

5 जून को विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के उपलक्ष में शिमला प्रेस क्लब और हिमधरा प्रयावार्ण समूह ने मिल कर राजधानी में आधे दिन की मीडिया वर्कशॉप का आयोजन किया. वर्कशॉप में हिमालयी क्षेत्रों में पर्यावरणीय संकट पर गहराई में चर्चा हुयी जिसमें हिमधरा समूह की मांशी आशर और सुमित महर के साथ वरिष्ठ पत्रकार पी […]

The Missing Zangti

Photos : Sumit Mahar Text: Vaishnavi Rathore, with inputs from Manshi Asher The Himalayan region is highly sensitive towards changes in global climate, a fact that was reiterated by a recent study which suggests that more than half of glaciers in Satluj Basin would vanish by 2050. Above, is Satluj which before merging with Spiti […]

Press Note: 13 May 2019 | Lack of safety compliance in Hydro Projects invitation to disasters: Community representatives, activists to authorities

हिंदी के लिए नीचे स्क्रोल करें Lack of safety compliance in Hydro Projects invitation to disasters: Community representatives, activists to authorities This Lok Sabha elections both major national parties, the BJP and Congress in their manifestos speak of “Protecting the Himalayas”. However both parties and their candidates remain silent on a grave issue of concern […]

प्रेस नोट : 11 April 2019 | मंडी संसदीय निर्वाचन क्षेत्र का मुद्दा वन अधिकार कानून!

भारत के 17वे लोक सभा चुनाव के माहौल में, क्षेत्रफल के हिसाब से हिमाचल के सबसे बड़े संसदीय निर्वाचन क्षेत्र मंडी जिसमे लाहौल-स्पीती, किन्नौर, भरमौर और कुल्लू ज़िले शामिल हैं में वन अधिकार कानून का मुद्दा जोर पकड़ रहा है. मंडी शहर के सेरी मंच पर हिमाचल वन अधिकार मंच द्वारा आयोजित एक दिवसीय धरना […]

Spectre of eviction looms over forest dwellers

EVEN as the Supreme Court has stayed its order directing state governments to evict occupants from forestland whose claims for land titles under the Forest Rights Act (FRA) have been rejected, about 20 lakh tribal and other forest-dependent families across the country continue to be on tenterhooks. The order was passed on a petition filed […]

Film: Ho Gyi Hai Pir Parvat Si (The Mountains Agonized)

Film Ho Gyi Hai Pir Parvat Si (The Mountains Agonized) is directed by Subrat Kumar Sahu. He is known for making films that reflect our social structures and has often been sceptical about the “way of development” through his craft. Ho Gayi Hai Pir Parvat Si – Hindi (The Mountains Agonized) is his 8th documentary […]

Submission to Minister of Tribal Affairs regarding Non-implementation of Forest Rights Act in Himachal Pradesh

                                                                                                                                                                                             28-01-19 To, Shri Jual Oram Minister of Tribal Affairs Government of India New Delhi Subject: With regard to the impediments and hurdles in the implementation […]

Press Note: 29/12/2018 Tribals rally against bureaucratic roadblocking of Forest Rights Act in Kinnaur

Local leaders and activists call out the ignorance and apathy of administration, question apathy of the government Close to 1500 tribal people assembled and carried out a rally at Kinnaur’s district headquarter of Reckong Peo on the 29th of December to register their protest against the district administration for not implementing the Forest Rights Act […]