‘The Mountains Agonised’: Film on hydroprojects on the Satluj screened at Film Festival in Palampur

9 Dec 2018 The premiere screening of “The mountains agonized” (Ho gayi hai pir parbat si – Hindi), a documentary film on the impacts of hydropower development in the Satluj Valley made by Independent Filmmaker Subrat Kumar Sahu was held at Sambhaavnaa Institute in Palampur on the 8th of December at a film festival called […]

Submission for EAC meeting on 28th August, 2018 regarding Luhri Stage I

25th August, 2018 To The Chairperson Expert Appraisal Committee on River Valley Projects, Union Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi Subject: Regarding Environment Clearance consideration for 219 MW Luhri Stage I Hydro Electricity Project for EAC meeting on 28th August, 2018 Dear Madam/Sir, This is a submission vis-a-vis the environment clearance consideration for 219 MW Luhri […]

Protect Our Rivers, Protect Life, A Citizens’ Appeal

March 21, 2018 To, Smt Manisha Nanda Addl. Chief Secy. cum Principal Secy. to the Chief Minister (Environment Science & Technology, Information & Public Relation, Tourism & Civil Aviation) Government of Himachal Pradesh Dear Mam, We are writing to you on the Day of Action for Rivers across the world on behalf of the concerned […]

Returning power to the people in Himachal Pradesh

The Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has about a quarter of the country’s hydropower potential. It has an installed capacity of a little over 10,000 MW out of its full potential of over 27,000 MW. While the last decade saw a surge in hydropower development in the state, for the last three years the state […]

संकट में पहाड़: जल विद्युत् परियोजनाओं से प्रभावित क्षेत्रों के लिए पुस्तिका प्रकाशित

हिमधरा पर्यावरण समूह ने जल विद्युत् परियोजनाओं से जुड़े मुद्दों और हिमाचल की जनता के इन परियोजनाओं को ले कर अनुभवों पर ‘संकट में पहाड़’ नामक दस्तावेज़ प्रकाशित किया है। कानूनी और नीतिगत जानकारी के अभाव में परियोजना प्रभावित जनता के सामने अपनी समस्याओं के हल निकालने के बहुत कम रास्ते रह जाते हैं। “यह […]

PRESS NOTE : NGT directs Kashang Project Forest Diversion Proposal to be placed before Gram Sabhas of affected villages; asks for compliance to provisions of Forest Rights Act 2006

5 May 2016 The National Green Tribunal, yesterday, on 4th May 2016, passed a judgement directing the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the State Government of Himachal to place the entire forest clearance proposal  for the Integrated Kashang (stage II and III) Hydroelectric Project before the affected Gram Sabhas for their perusal. The judgement was passed by the Principal Bench chaired by Justice […]

Mapping environmental conflicts in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh is a Himalayan state in the North-West of India and is known for its good performance in social and economic development indicators in the country. A state where the government seems to have ‘delivered’ in areas of education, health and other basic services. The region is also celebrated for its landscape- as the […]

Video : Accidents or Sheer Negligence, The Burang Story, Kinnaur

The film highlights the issue of safety violations and negligence in Hydropower Projects in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India. The focus is on an accident that took place at the 100 MW Sorang Hydroproject in November 2015.   For more information : Memorandum to DoE Press statement 1/12/2015

Press Statement 1/12/15 : Kinnaur in crisis; Sheer Negligence in hydro projects claiming lives. Who is accountable?

In the last two weeks a half a dozen lives have been lost in the Kinnaur region alone in three separate incidents that have one thing in common – accidents at hydropower project sites. The first event took place in Burang village on the 18th of November 2015 where a penstock pipe burst of the […]

Objections submitted to the Ministry of Environment Appraisal Committee on 3 HEPs

26th October 2015 To The EAC River Valley Projects Ministry of Environment and Forests New Delhi India Subject: Objections regarding three HEPs: 210 MW Purthi Hydro Electric Project, Purthi,TehsilPangi , Distt.-Chamba and 104 MW Lara Sumta HEP and 130 MW Sumte Kothang HEP in District Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh in Satluj basin for ToR Dear Sir, […]